The winner of my contest on the Summer Nights Erotica Bloghop is... Shadow! Congratulations to Shadow and to all a very happy summer full of red-hot reading! We'll have to do this again real soon... ;)Welcome to the Hot Summer Nights Erotica Bloghop!

Hot damn! Pardon my "French" (great pun coming from someone with a French pen name, right?) but it sure is hot enough to boil the balls off a brass monkey in these parts. Yes, I'm purposely rewriting a famous cliche, "It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey." However, it's over 93 degrees F. with a ton of humidity as I write this blog, so that monkey's brass balls are definitely boiling!

Now that I've completely clouded the issue at hand (rain clouds with a break from the heat?) it's time to introduce some of the wonderful gifts you can win in the Summer Nights Bloghop this week.

Grand prize winners can win one of two prizes. The first is a "Digital Erotica Gift Basket" with over 40 hot erotic titles. (My very own BRANDI WHYNE AND HER INCREDIBLY EROTIC ADVENTURES: Chapter 1--Captured by Space Pirates is one of those ebooks, too.) If that doesn't melt your Kindle or Nook into a puddle, nothing will! Or you could win a $100 Gift Card to Eden Fantasys adult toy shop. All right! You definitely will be in "heat" when you get a look at what all they have to sell. ;-)
From yours truly, you get your pick of one of my erotic-romance ebook titles, up to and including my latest vampire erotic-romance BLOOD BETRAYAL...

Blood Betrayal
A Kindred Vampire Tale
Vlad Drakul has found the love of his...existence... in the beautiful
and intelligent businesswoman, Sofia Martinelli. But is the sex-loving
vixen all who she appears to be?
Van Helsing cherishes his family's "calling". Perhaps a bit too much.
He'll see the heinous blood-sucker dead, and he's not above using
others to obtain his goals--even if it kills them.
One fatal night in Istanbul will change Vlad's afterlife forever. Can he abide a Blood Betrayal?
You can read an excerpt at my Celine's Dreams blog. Read a longer excerpt at Goodreads.
You can read an excerpt at my Celine's Dreams blog. Read a longer excerpt at Goodreads.

To enter my contest drawing and the grand prize drawing prizes, all you need do is leave a comment at my blog in the comment section below. What kind of comment should you leave? I'd love you to comment on which one of my books intrigues you the most... Tell me why you find it interesting to you personally and why. Simply click on the tab above marked "Books by Celine Chatillon" where you can read a short write-up for each of my books if you're not already familiar with them.

GFC Follower : Kassandra
Thanks so much for this blog hop chance!!
40 titles! You are a busy woman ;-) Not entering, just stopping by. Thanks, Celine.
Woohoo! I love blog hopping!
What a great way to discover new blogs and visit with old friends. Everybody wins this way!
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win! <^_^>
Thanks for the chance to win. Heavenly Bodies catches my eye; I just love the cover.
All of your books look hot. I think I like "Gifts Well Timed" best. I love to read about blizzards and winter love when it's hot at home.
jlhmass at yahoo dot com
I love the cover of Gifts Well Timed. Thanks for participating in the hop.
Beautiful Dreamer has a really cute premise which appeals to me.
INterested in a vamp dom story. Usually vamp stories deal with him wanting to be good. but maybe a book on a dominating vamp..
All the books sound so good, but I really want to read Blood Betrayed and Seven for Seduction. Why? Because they both raised the heat in my house alot!!!
Great comments so far. Don't be afraid to speak up! I'm amazed at how many other hops there are on this blog. Lots of great reading! :)
I think Blood Betrayal cause I'm a sucker for Vampire books!
Blood Betrayal would be my choice, because I love vampire books. Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
Blood Betrayal looks awesome - something about a vampire romance that always melts my heart :)
Love a steamy romance!
brunettelibrarian AT gmAil . c0m
The Brunette Librarian Blog
I love blog hops. Why? Because I get to find new authors and add books to my list. You're a new author for me, it was very difficult to choose, but Gifts Well Timed intrigues me the most. I love the cover, that got my attention first. If he's a sexy ghost, I'm curious as to how he'll be able to have sex. Looking forward to learning more about you and your work.
Thanks for a chance to win.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com
I would love to read Help! I'm Falling for the Vampire Next Door because I have intrigued by vampires
All authors make vampires different so it is super exciting to read about their sexy traits
I'd love to get the Brandy Whynne book. I really enjoyed your reading at Shameless Grounds. The story sounds like a lovely mix of humor and erotic moments, always the best combination (well, it is better with chocolate).
I will have to go with Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures. I love sci-fi. This intrigued me.
Thanks for being on the blog hop so I can learn about new authors.
lacrimsonfemme at gmail fullstop com
Your books sound really great gong to add ou to my tbr list for this summer! Thanks for doing the hop.
Just hopping through. Thanks.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
Great to see all the new names here! Please, don't be shy--leave me a comment and tell me how awesome my books are... I love a little "petting" from readers. ;)
Hope everyone is having a terrific Friday so far. :)
What a fun blog hop! Thanks for participating. And I loved your post! We were smeltering here too! ;)
I am intrigued by your book Seven For But then reading the blurb.......I LOVE books that have the hero being denied and going bonkers! :)
thewildtwo [@] sbcglobal [DOT] net
I would love to read Seven for Seduction (Gifts Well Timed comes in a very close second). I love the premise & blurb for both of them. They also sound hot.
"Seven for Seduction" sounds like a really good story. I love that Jodi is the only woman in the office who has no interest in seducing Brent, so of course she is the one who interests him.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the giveaway
I like the sound of Seven for Seduction, really like office romances, especially when they work, people who've know each other and then finally do something about the chemistry between them.
Gifts Well Timed interests me because of the ghost helping to people get together. Thanks for the giveaway!
Gifts well timed sounds good, I teach, I like the fantasy ;)
My pick is Bloody Betrayal...Vlad shows a very human side and his character is intriguing. Want to read more and see how he deals with Sofia's request.
I like the plot line of "Help! I'm Falling for the Vampire Next Door"
thanks for the chance in the giveaway.
"Blood Betrayal" is interesting to me because of the vampire mythology. Thanks for the chance!
Email: sexysweepstakes AT gmail DOT com
I'd have to say Hanging with a Time Surfer. I've really been into the time travel books lately. Plus come on! Where else will I be able to get all of that in one book anywhere else!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Goodreads, Pinterest & Google+, Linky - Sherry Strode
GFC - Sherry S.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
I'd love to read Blood Betrayal!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
GFC: BookAttict
Heavenly Bodies sounds the most intriguing to me, followed by Hanging with a Time Surfer. Why? I’m a nerd at heart and I love science fiction, and science fiction with erotica? Icing on the cake.
Thank you so much for the great giveaway Blood Betrayal sounds really good vampires are my favorite! Thanks for the chance!
Latisha D
You have some really good sounding books! The one that really intrigues me and has my attention is Seven for Seduction. I love a good competition and i cant wait to read how explosive the characters are together! Thanks for sharing and for the fun hop! And thank you for the awesome giveaway!
All these books sound good. Thanks for the giveaway.
They all sound wonderful, but I would choose The Loves of Her Life or Blood Betrayal. Can you see a pattern? Both are menage stories which I always find very hot! I love Princes, Lords and Vampires. Thank you for the chance to read one of your stories. :)
trb0917 at
I'm going with Blood Betrayed because I love me some vamps...and menage!!!
Hanging with a time surfer sounds great. I like books that deal with different time periods, and anything that comes with a special warning makes me want to read it!
isabelli3619 (at) aol (dot) com
The blog hop goes until midnight tonight, so I will wait until tomorrow to draw a name for my prize winner. The comments have been terrific and I appreciate everyone of them. Best of luck to all in the big Grand Prize drawing, too. :)
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