For all those interested in a fun summer read, my latest release from Liquid Silver Books...
Beautiful Dreamer
contemporary/fantasy erotic-romance
ISBN 978-1-59578-431-5
Format: PDF, MS Lit, HTML, Rocket (rb), Mobipocket
Can a sexy, sleepwalking librarian corral a commitment-shy sheriff during the mayhem of rodeo week? When Marianne the Librarian sleepwalks into the brawny arms of handsome Sheriff Cody Greene sparks fly and an erotic night of pleasure ensues.
A confirmed bachelor, Cody realizes Marianne isn't really the "love 'em and leave 'em" type of woman he's used to entertaining in bed, and he's worried. But by the end of the week--and after surviving a series of livestock-related calls and some "sleepless" nights--Cody is able to conquer both his fear of stampeding cattle
and his fear of commitment.
Available now at Liquid Silver Books:
Excerpt online: http://www.celinechatillon.com/dreamer.html
My erotic fantasy novella The Loves of Her Life (Two of Wands Tarot Card story) is a July 15th release from eXtasy Books. Stay tuned for details. I'll be chatting at the Romance Junkies Chatroom on July 17th at 9 PM Eastern about it as well as a multitude of non-related (but entertaining) topics. Join me there.
If you've always wanted to check out an ebook, now's the time. Be green--read on your screen. Save trees--save gas. Buy online and don't stand in line. The ebook revolution began a few years back, and contrary to popular belief, neither Sony nor Amazon started it. ;)
I want to meet the man
Woo hoo...Green AND red hot!
I can't wait to read this!!!
Men of the confirm loner club learn they need a heart to call their own and a place to hang their hat called home.
I can't wait!!!
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